This is series of documents that was obtained through intelligence efforts from the Germans. A German professor (Kliewe) had translated, with commentary, a number of Japanese documents about their biological warfare operations.
This report assesses the utility of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and decision support framework (DSF) in assisting the US Department of Agriculture in its reviews of select agents. It uses the method to assess 41 pathogens against 21…
Gives information on updates regarding the Division of Select Agents and Toxins' select agent scoring and ranking system. The review is contextualized by abundant criticism of the 2008 Bioterrorism Risk Assessment for overly complex modeling, lack of…
Author examines U.S. biodefense program and threats coming from foreign BW weapons programs. They take a specific look at the potentialities of bioweapons in the hands of terrorists and nonstate actors.
Evaluates possibility of BW in response to public interest/concern. Reviews practical limitations to development and use of biological weapons. Covers Intestinal Disease, Respiratory Disease, Insect-Transmitted Disease, Infective (Non-Communicable)…
Looks at bioweaponry in the context of state-sponsored warfare. Created a scoring matrix to evaluate weaponization potential where agents were ranked from 0-3 across 12 risk attributes by NATO biodefense experts.
This hearing before the Subcommittee on Intelligence, Emerging Threats, and Capabilities discussed the threat of biological weapons attacks from state and nonstate actors.
This report summarizes the research and development in biological warfare undertaken by the Chemical Corps and the circumstances that made this research necessary.
Executive research project for the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University. Reviews the use and development of biological agents with respect to the historical and current US BW program, advantages and disadvantages of BW,…
This article describes BioRAM, a tool to assist biorisk officers in the in the identification, the understanding, and the communication of biorisks present in a laboratory and how to mitigate those risks.
Also known as the Fink Report, presented findings of the Committee on Research Standards and Practices to Prevent the Destructive Application of Biotechnology, which investigated the risks of misuse of biotechnology research.
Provides a post-World War analysis of CBR, including the United States' policies leading up to World War II and its current stances. The document also defines CBR and provides a general run-down of current agents that are threats to the U.S. and the…
Project East River was initiated to "evaluate and recommend the optimum combination of non-military measures" to assist the National Security Resources Board and the Federal Civil Defense Administration with discharging their CEBAR responsibilities.…