Browse Items (108 total)

1924 Tenth Session of the Temporary Mixed Commission for the Reduction of Armaments.pdf
The Committee on Chemical Warfare was asked by the Temporary Mixed Commission to report on the "probable effects of chemical discoveries in future wars". This was later enlarged to include bacteriological warfare.

1935 Le Possibilita di un_Offesa Batteriologica in Guerra.pdf
The author gives their opinion on the potential of biological warfare on a country with the public health capabilities of their own, Italy.

1942 Report of the W.B.C. Committee.pdf
Henry L. Stimson requested that the National Academy of Sciences establish a committee [formed as the War Bureau of Consultants (WBC) Committee] to assess all aspects of the potential for threat of biological weapons. The committee evaluated the…

1943 The Truth About Bacteriological Warfare (Translation).pdf
Memo of Japanese origin that discusses the alleged use of biological and chemical weapons by the Germans and Chinese to make the point that the risk is present and even increasing in peacetime. It then discusses the different threats posed by…

1944 Implications of Recent Intelligence Regarding Alleged German Secret Weapon - Supplementary Report.pdf
This report is in response to specific questions from the Joint Committee on New Weapons and Equipment.

1944 Investigation of Enemy BW Activities and Intentions.pdf
This memo summarizes the possible effects of biological weapons use and highlights signs of enemy use and particular agents of concern.

1944 Italian BW Intelligence Questionnaire.pdf
This questionnaire asks about Italian progress with the development of biological weapons.

1944 Memo Including British Intelligence.pdf
This is a collection of British intelligence about biological warfare and discusses possible offensive use.

1944 Probable Biological Agents Which May Be Employed by the Enemy.pdf
This summarizes some of the scientific research on possible biological agents conducted by the War Research Service.

1944 Report of Subcommittee of ABC Committee.pdf
A subcommittee of the ABC Committee (of the National Academy of Sciences) was formed in response to the request of G.W. Merck, director of the War Research Service (WRS). The goal was to review experimental results of biological weapons and defense…

1944 Summary of Reports from British ISSCBW.pdf
The ISSCBW discusses various potential BW agents and the future of BW research after the war.

1945 About Bacteriological Warfare.pdf
This is series of documents that was obtained through intelligence efforts from the Germans. A German professor (Kliewe) had translated, with commentary, a number of Japanese documents about their biological warfare operations.

1945 Condensed Minutes of Ninth Service Command BW Meeting.pdf
This conference was held to discuss biological activities in their relation to security. The main topic is Japan's potential use of balloons to spread biological material.

1945 Instruction for Defense Against Biological Attack.pdf
This report aims to inform military personnel of the nature of biological warfare and measures to defend against it.

1945 Report to the Secretary of War.pdf
Reports progress by the Special Projects Division of the Chemical Warfare Service (WBO) on developing primarily defensive practices against BW.

1945 USBWC Report of Meeting, January 2, 1945.pdf
This describes a meeting between the US Biological Warfare Committee (USBWC) and British and Canadian "visitors" at Camp Detrick .

1945 USBWC Report of Meeting, January 4, 1945.pdf
This meeting was to give the British visitors a chance to review the question of BW and ask questions after their inspection of Camp Detrick.

1946 Appreciation of Biological Warfare.pdf
This report aims to determine the War Department policy for the use of Biological Warfare.

1947 Biological Warfare Research in the United States, Vol. II.pdf
This report summarizes the research and development in biological warfare undertaken by the Chemical Corps and the circumstances that made this research necessary.
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