Report of the Special Committee on Information Concerning Civil Defense Against Biological Warfare

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Report of the Special Committee on Information Concerning Civil Defense Against Biological Warfare


This document emphasizes the risks of BW and requests that civilian defense programs be strengthened in order to better prepare for a BW attack. The Committee argues that current information regarding BW is very general, and provides an extensive list of questions from bacteriologists and key civil defense personnel who are requesting more information regarding BW in order to prepare the country.




The Committee offers questions that they hope will allow them to gain more insight into the state of BW defense measures in the U.S., so they know what practices already exist, and what new countermeasures should be put in place or improved. They request information about detection methods in air and water, preparation methods for sabotage, using air filtration systems to fight an air-borne BW attack, using chlorine or boiling to fight a water-borne BW attack, whether mass vaccination programs will be necessary, and what other supplies may be needed to deal with a BW attack.



Nungester, W.J. Report of the Special Committee on Information Concerning Civil Defense Against Biological Warfare. July 24, 1951.


“Report of the Special Committee on Information Concerning Civil Defense Against Biological Warfare,” Collection of Biothreat Risk Assessments (COBRA), accessed October 16, 2024,