Report of the Secretary of Defense's Ad Hoc Committee on Biological Warfare

Item Details


Report of the Secretary of Defense's Ad Hoc Committee on Biological Warfare


Secretary of Defense James Forrestal convened this committee to explore the "unconventional" technique of biological warfare, including technical and strategic possibilities. Emphasis was to be placed upon strategic, economic, and psychological effects.




Concluded that biological weapons were potent but not yet decisive (based on current U.S. capability), but had foreseeable improvements on the horizon. Thus, future attacks could be severe to disastrous, and current defenses were not adequate. The committee recommended establishing military plans for defense against biological weapons, to include defensive research, public information campaigns, and coordination of government agencies.



Ad Hoc Committee on Biological Warfare. Report of the Secretary of Defense's Ad Hoc Committee on Biological Warfare. July 11, 1949.
Found in: Papers of Harry S. Truman President's Secretary's Files, Harry S. Truman Library, 6.


“Report of the Secretary of Defense's Ad Hoc Committee on Biological Warfare,” Collection of Biothreat Risk Assessments (COBRA), accessed October 16, 2024,