Excerpts from 1947 Report on Biological Warfare

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Excerpts from 1947 Report on Biological Warfare


This report takes a look at Type F cluster bombs, one of which contains anthrax, and evaluates how these weapons can be improved to reduce the tons of weapons used and still maximize the effects (risk of death).




The report explains that one of the flaws of these bioweapons is that there is only a very, very small part of the weapon that actually contains toxic material. In addition, very little of this material is disseminated due to ineffective design. The report argues that improving the ratio between the toxic portion of the weapon to the total portion of the weapon, as well as improving methods of dissemination and increasing the amount of toxic material in the weapon by tenfold will allow the weapons to cause maximum effect and require less aircraft carriers for distribution (less tons of weapons will be needed than before, but will also cause greater risk of death than before).



Chiefs of Staff Committee. "Excerpts from 1947 Report on Biological Warfare". September 1, 1947.


“Excerpts from 1947 Report on Biological Warfare,” Collection of Biothreat Risk Assessments (COBRA), accessed October 16, 2024, https://cobrabiosecurity.org/items/show/369.