Development of a Risk-Priority Score for Category A Bioterrorism Agents as an Aid for Public Health Policy

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Development of a Risk-Priority Score for Category A Bioterrorism Agents as an Aid for Public Health Policy


The authors aim to create a multifactorial risk-priority scoring system for Category A BW agents using 10 criteria that include factors relating to disease potentiality, probability of attack, and prevention/intervention methods.




Using the 10 criteria, anthrax scored the highest and was followed by smallpox. Tularemia scored the lowest. The authors emphasize that studies such as this one usually do not take into account social factors, such as public panic caused by an attack, which can have significant impact in response to an attack.


“Development of a Risk-Priority Score for Category A Bioterrorism Agents as an Aid for Public Health Policy,” Collection of Biothreat Risk Assessments (COBRA), accessed February 14, 2025,