Beyond the Dirty Dozen: A Proposed Methodology for Assessing Future Bioweapons Threats
Item Details
Beyond the Dirty Dozen: A Proposed Methodology for Assessing Future Bioweapons Threats
Looks at bioweaponry in the context of state-sponsored warfare. Created a scoring matrix to evaluate weaponization potential where agents were ranked from 0-3 across 12 risk attributes by NATO biodefense experts.
Results were unexpected�anthrax and tularemia were judged to be much less dangerous and several toxins ranked very highly. Authors recommend that because of this, future studies give more weight to reliability, predictability, and aerosol. stability and de-emphasize infectivity and communicability. Authors also contend that it's hard to assess terrorist probability of use because they're prone to using "weapons of opportunity" (limitation of SATL).
“Beyond the Dirty Dozen: A Proposed Methodology for Assessing Future Bioweapons Threats,” Collection of Biothreat Risk Assessments (COBRA), accessed February 14, 2025,