The Threat of Bioterrorism and the Spread of Infectious Diseases

Item Details


The Threat of Bioterrorism and the Spread of Infectious Diseases


This hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations held two panels to discuss the threat of biological weapons use and emerging infectious diseases, calling on experts in both fields. The first panel was centered on a smallpox simulation known as Dark Winter and focused on domestic shortcomings in response to biological terrorism. The second panel was a broader discussion of the global threat of epidemics and how they can be addressed.




It is certainly possible for a small nation or terrorist group to amass sufficient material to present a biological threat. The Dark Winter smallpox attack simulation demonstrated that the United States would fail to respond to a biological attack. The first and best step is prevention of an attack, which requires improvements in intelligence gathering and detection systems. Hindrances in recruiting spies and the domestic liability fears of FBI agents and CIA officers need to be removed. Should an attack occur, public health and medical systems are not adequately prepared to address them nor is there protocol in place about which entities and levels of government have what authority in a response. The medical, public health, and human services communities need to be at the table in the discussion of national biosecurity. They also need huge resource and funding allocation increase response capacity. There also needs to be communication with the public about the threat in order to justify the funding needed. Overall, a clear and improved national strategy to address the threat of biological terrorism and emerging infectious diseases is needed before we are confronted with an attack or epidemic.



Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate. The Threat of Bioterrorism and the Spread of Infectious Diseases. US Government Printing Office. September 5, 2001.


“The Threat of Bioterrorism and the Spread of Infectious Diseases,” Collection of Biothreat Risk Assessments (COBRA), accessed October 16, 2024,