This report assesses the utility of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and decision support framework (DSF) in assisting the US Department of Agriculture in its reviews of select agents. It uses the method to assess 41 pathogens against 21…
This paper developed and applied decision support framework (DSF) approaches to assess toxins for inclusion on the select agents list and developed attack scenarios to determine the amount of toxin required to impact public health in order to…
US government charged NSABB with "evaluating and providing recommendations on the effectiveness of two major US biosecurity policy frameworks governing" research with enhanced potential pandemic pathogens (ePPP) and dual use research of concern.
Gives information on updates regarding the Division of Select Agents and Toxins' select agent scoring and ranking system. The review is contextualized by abundant criticism of the 2008 Bioterrorism Risk Assessment for overly complex modeling, lack of…
This article describes BioRAM, a tool to assist biorisk officers in the in the identification, the understanding, and the communication of biorisks present in a laboratory and how to mitigate those risks.
Gives information on updates regarding the Division of Select Agents and Toxins' select agent scoring and ranking system. The review is contextualized by abundant criticism of the 2008 Bioterrorism Risk Assessment for overly complex modeling, lack of…
This is the third edition of Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare and aims to highlight the current state of science on individual agents and toxins and general response capabilities to prevent knowledge gaps and serve as a reference source for the…
In its Biennial Review, the FESAP considers the removal of Coxiella burnetti, Rickettsi prowasekii, Brucella abortus, Brucella suis, Brucella melitensis, and Bacillus anthracis Pasteur strain from the Select Agents list.
This hearing before the Subcommittee on Intelligence, Emerging Threats, and Capabilities discussed the threat of biological weapons attacks from state and nonstate actors.
The purpose of this handbook is to serve as a concise, pocket-sized manual that can be used in a crisis to guide medical personnel in the prophylaxis and management of biological casualties.
Author examines U.S. biodefense program and threats coming from foreign BW weapons programs. They take a specific look at the potentialities of bioweapons in the hands of terrorists and nonstate actors.
The report assesses the health aspects of the threat of biological and chemical weapons, including specific agents, focusing on civilian impacts. It then makes recommendations for preparedness and prevention of attacks.
This progress report details the progress of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases towards the recommendations made by the Blue Ribbon Panel on Bioterrorism and Its Implications for Biomedical Research in February 2002. These…
From the USAF Counterproliferation Papers. The author provides accounts of genetic engineering experiments performed in Soviet Russia's BW program and then discusses the future potentialities of biological weapons offensively and defensively.
This report discusses the dangers to livestock of foot and mouth disease and whether or not we can prevent it in the US following an outbreak in the UK.
This report of the Scientific Advisory Board discusses ricin production, the meaning of "production by synthesis", a progress report on CW destruction matters, and a few other issues.
Described general evaluation of the threat of BW. Included overview of the analyses of most likely BW foreign-threats from the intelligence community (classified files).