Browse Items (254 total)

1998 The Bioweaponeers.pdf
Interview article of Ken Alibek, former Bioperparat scientist, and Bill Patrick, former US BW scientist.

2020 The Biennial Review of the HHS and Overlap Select Agent List.pdf
Gives information on updates regarding the Division of Select Agents and Toxins' select agent scoring and ranking system. The review is contextualized by abundant criticism of the 2008 Bioterrorism Risk Assessment for overly complex modeling, lack of…

1924 Tenth Session of the Temporary Mixed Commission for the Reduction of Armaments.pdf
The Committee on Chemical Warfare was asked by the Temporary Mixed Commission to report on the "probable effects of chemical discoveries in future wars". This was later enlarged to include bacteriological warfare.

This article assesses the risk of Rift Valley Fever being used as a bioweapon and weighs it against the burden placed on research by its addition to the select agents list.

1993 Technologies Underlying Weapons of Mass Destruction.pdf
Companion to OTA Proliferation report, discusses technical components of CBW acquisition and use, including dual use

1942 Technical Study No. 58.pdf
An annotated bibliography that aims to collect information and opinions on biological warfare in order to present background on the probabilities and dangers of employment of these weapons.

2014 Survey of Systems for Comparative Ranking of Agents That Pose a Bioterroristic Threat.pdf
Collected and summarized a bevy or risk assessments of highly pathogenic biological agents.

1944 Summary of Reports from British ISSCBW.pdf
The ISSCBW discusses various potential BW agents and the future of BW research after the war.

2016 Summary of Findings and Recommendations of the Federal Security Advisory Panel on the Biennial Review of the Select Agents and Toxins List.pdf
In its Biennial Review, the FESAP considers the removal of Coxiella burnetti, Rickettsi prowasekii, Brucella abortus, Brucella suis, Brucella melitensis, and Bacillus anthracis Pasteur strain from the Select Agents list.

1951 Suggested Outline for Investigations of Rinderpest.pdf
Outlines offensive and defensive experiments that would be desirable to undertake on rinderpest. Canadian document produced after discussed with Colonel Creasy of US.

1951 Study by the Joint Advanced Study Committee on Biological Warfare.pdf
The Joint Advanced Study Committee consulted various technical studies on BW to assess military utility.

2006 Stewardship or Censorship Balancing Biosecurity, the Public_s Health, and the Benefits of Scientific Openness.pdf
This document discusses the conflict between open scientific communication and national security in the biosciences in order to contribute to the national dialogue on the costs and benefits of regulatory regimes.

1959 Statement of Pugwash International Conference of Scientists On Biological and Chemical Warfare.pdf
Twenty-six scientists from eight nations met to discuss BW, CW, and means for preventing their production or use in war. The statement outlines these issues and considerations for the international community.

1944 Special Projects Intelligence Report No. 1.pdf
This is a summary of the significant reports received during the period regarding enemy capabilities and intentions.

This report aims to make recommendations to medical and public health professionals for measures to be taken following the use of smallpox as a biological weapon against a civilian population.

2004 Small-scale Terrorist Attacks Using Chemical and Biological Agents_ An Assessment Framework and Preliminary Comparisons.pdf
This report assesses the threat posed by small-scale terrorist attacks using biological, chemical, and toxin agents rather than traditional risk assessments which focus on mass casualty attacks.

This report discusses the dual-use dilemma associated with genome research in the age of terrorism.

1949 Secretary Forrestal Issues Statement on Biological Warfare Potentialities.pdf
Secretary of Defense James Forrestal gave this public statement on BW to assuage sensationalization after the Merck report.

1960 Second Meeting of the Biological and Chemical Defense Planning Board.pdf
This is a meeting of the Biological and Chemical Defense Planning Board where they discussed the facilities of the US Army Chemical Corps and the future of its programs

A companion document to the publication by the National Research Council critiquing the DHS Biothreat Risk Analysis.
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