This article describes BioRAM, a tool to assist biorisk officers in the in the identification, the understanding, and the communication of biorisks present in a laboratory and how to mitigate those risks.
Gives information on updates regarding the Division of Select Agents and Toxins' select agent scoring and ranking system. The review is contextualized by abundant criticism of the 2008 Bioterrorism Risk Assessment for overly complex modeling, lack of…
The annual Ready or Not report series tracks states� readiness for public health emergencies based on 10 key indicators that collectively provide a checklist of top-priority issues and action items for states and localities.
Outlines the objectives of the Joint Force in response to any BW attack, especially those where physical and physiological protections cannot prevent infection. Provides details about roles and responsibilities within the Joint Force in the event of…
This is the third edition of Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare and aims to highlight the current state of science on individual agents and toxins and general response capabilities to prevent knowledge gaps and serve as a reference source for the…
In its Biennial Review, the FESAP considers the removal of Coxiella burnetti, Rickettsi prowasekii, Brucella abortus, Brucella suis, Brucella melitensis, and Bacillus anthracis Pasteur strain from the Select Agents list.
This hearing before the subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the US Congress discusses the federal governments lack of preparedness to combat naturally occurring outbreaks, laboratory accidents, and…
This report is an historical analysis of US biodefense and bioweapons posture in order to understand the disparity between chemical weapons preparedness and biological weapons preparedness.
This report examines infectious disease preparedness across 10 indicators in each state of the US, in the context of Ebola and preparing for MERS-CoV and other emerging infectious diseases.
This report examines infectious disease preparedness across 10 indicators in each state of the US, particularly in reference to the recent Ebola outbreak.
This hearing before the Subcommittee on Intelligence, Emerging Threats, and Capabilities discussed the threat of biological weapons attacks from state and nonstate actors.
The purpose of this handbook is to serve as a concise, pocket-sized manual that can be used in a crisis to guide medical personnel in the prophylaxis and management of biological casualties.
This is the fifth report in the series that seeks to assess the level of preparedness in the states, evaluate the federal government�s role and performance, and offer recommendations for improving emergency preparedness in case of a biological event.