Browse Items (108 total)

1998 Working Paper Submitted by South Africa.pdf
This paper evaluates African horse sickness, Lumpy skin disease, Pernospora hyoscyami, and Claviceps purpurea on the lists of animal pathogens and plant pathogens

1998 The Bioweaponeers.pdf
Interview article of Ken Alibek, former Bioperparat scientist, and Bill Patrick, former US BW scientist.

1998 Bioterrorism as a Public Health Threat.pdf
This report assesses the threat of bioterrorism to the United States with a particular focus on smallpox and anthrax.

1998 Biological Weapons, the Threat Posed by Terrorists_ Hearing Before the Subcommittee.pdf
Hearing on the threat of BW attack on the United States, contextualized by recent events in Las Vegas.

1997 Working Paper Submitted by Cuba.pdf
This paper aims to clarify the list of biological agents and toxins appearing in the document BWC/AD HOC Group/WP.182.

1997 Working Paper Submitted by Argentina.pdf
The goal of this paper is to provide a method for assessing whether pathogens should remain listed as potential weapons.

1997 New Biological Warfare Agents Through Advances in Biotechnology.pdf
Focuses on the issues that biotechnology poses for counterproliferation efforts for BW. Provides the basis for more detailed discussions of funding and program priorities.

1996 Working Paper Submitted by the Russian Federation B.pdf
This paper offers criteria for the inclusion of microorganisms and other biological agents and toxins affecting animals.

1996 Working Paper Submitted by the Russian Federation A.pdf
This paper offers criteria for the inclusion of microorganisms and other biological agents and toxins affecting plants.

1995 The Threat Of Chemical Biological Terrorism.pdf
This publication by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service evaluates the threat of chemical and biological terrorism in the wake of the sarin gas attacks in the Tokyo subways.

1995 Japan Working Paper.pdf
The purpose of the paper is to promote discussion about a list of dangerous/weaponizable biological agents based on data from open scientific papers.

1995 Discussion Paper Submitted by Portugal.pdf
This paper aims to discuss concepts of epidemiological significance for the reevaluation of the proposed Lists of Weaponizable Agents.

1993 Technologies Underlying Weapons of Mass Destruction.pdf
Companion to OTA Proliferation report, discusses technical components of CBW acquisition and use, including dual use

1993 Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Assessing the Risks.pdf
Office of Technology Assessment created a report describing what CBRN can do, analyzing consequences of spread to the US, summarizing technical aspects of monitoring/controlling production

1991 Biological Weapons and Modern Warfare.pdf
Executive research project for the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University. Reviews the use and development of biological agents with respect to the historical and current US BW program, advantages and disadvantages of BW,…

1983 Excerpts from the USA Army Documents to Support de Jong_s Claims.pdf
A collection of documents obtained from Peter Von Stackelberg, via Simon de Jong of the House of Commons of Ottawa, Canada. Includes a variety of press releases and articles for print, but also excerpts from US Army BW program documents.

1970 Toxins.pdf
This report by the PSAC Panel on C&B Warfare evaluates toxins as weapons.
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