Browse Items (254 total)

1944 BW Subcommittee Interim Report_ Implications of Recent Intelligence Regarding Alleged German Secret Weapon.pdf
This interim report by the Biological Warfare Subcommittee discusses German biological warfare capabilities in relation to US capabilities.

1997 Working Paper Submitted by the UK.pdf
The UK further considers the list of agents and toxins currently under discussion by the Ad Hoc Group.

1996 Working Paper Submitted by the Russian Federation B.pdf
This paper offers criteria for the inclusion of microorganisms and other biological agents and toxins affecting animals.

1996 Working Paper Submitted by the Russian Federation A.pdf
This paper offers criteria for the inclusion of microorganisms and other biological agents and toxins affecting plants.

1997 Working paper submitted by the friend of the Chair on Definitions A Addendum.pdf
This paper discusses the characteristics of agents used to determine the specific threshold limit stored at facilities.

1998 Working Paper Submitted by South Africa.pdf
This paper evaluates African horse sickness, Lumpy skin disease, Pernospora hyoscyami, and Claviceps purpurea on the lists of animal pathogens and plant pathogens

1997 Working Paper Submitted by Cuba.pdf
This paper aims to clarify the list of biological agents and toxins appearing in the document BWC/AD HOC Group/WP.182.

1995 Working Paper Submitted by Brazil.pdf
This paper from Brazil presents a list of agents that may be used as pathogens and weaponized against humans, animals, or plants.

1999 Working Paper Submitted by Argentina.pdf
This paper classifies biological agents contained on the BWC weapons agent lists.

1997 Working Paper Submitted by Argentina.pdf
The goal of this paper is to provide a method for assessing whether pathogens should remain listed as potential weapons.

1944 War Department Memo_ Biological Warfare.pdf
This memo from the Secretary of War to the Commander in Chief and the Commanding Generals expresses concern about the enemy resorting to biological warfare out of desperation, and gives guidelines for how to recognize impending or recent use.

1952 Vulnerability of Water Supplies to BW Agents.pdf
The Public Health Service at Camp Detrick was asked to look at the vulnerability of water works systems to attack with BW.

1945 USBWC Report of Meeting, January 4, 1945.pdf
This meeting was to give the British visitors a chance to review the question of BW and ask questions after their inspection of Camp Detrick.

1945 USBWC Report of Meeting, January 2, 1945.pdf
This describes a meeting between the US Biological Warfare Committee (USBWC) and British and Canadian "visitors" at Camp Detrick .

1944 USBWC Report of Meeting, December 28, 1944.pdf
This is a report of a meeting of the US Biological Warfare Committee (USBWC) including some British military representatives.

1969 US Policy on Chemical and Biological Warfare and Agents.pdf
Report to the National Security Council by the Interdepartmental Political-Military Group (IPMG) in response to National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 59. Examines current US and international policies on CBW and deliberates future policies with a…

2022 Understanding the Threat of Biological Weapons in a World with COVID.pdf
Author surveys bioweapons experts to roadmap the most important historical trends surrounding bioweapon risk and policy (motivators, inhibitors, drivers, wild cards) from the 1940s to present day. With this information, the author attempts to create…
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