Volume II provides high-level overviews of the biological agents that are most commonly associated with biodefense activities. Additional chapters present the status quo of antibacterial and antiviral therapy and diagnostic development.
Looks at bioweaponry in the context of state-sponsored warfare. Created a scoring matrix to evaluate weaponization potential where agents were ranked from 0-3 across 12 risk attributes by NATO biodefense experts.
This report explores defensive strategies that could be used to protect air transportation spaces (specifically, airport terminals and aircraft) against attack with chemical or biological agents and makes recommendations to TSA.
This article aims to give recommendations for measures to be taken by medical and public health professionals if hemorrhagic fever viruses are used as biological weapons against a civilian population.
Evaluates possibility of BW in response to public interest/concern. Reviews practical limitations to development and use of biological weapons. Covers Intestinal Disease, Respiratory Disease, Insect-Transmitted Disease, Infective (Non-Communicable)…
Assessed whether engineering pathogens capable of "sustained, human-to-human transmission and causing mortality and morbidity" is possible/probable. Also considers how such pathogens would compare to naturally emergent pathogens in these regards, the…
This report assesses the utility of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and decision support framework (DSF) in assisting the US Department of Agriculture in its reviews of select agents. It uses the method to assess 41 pathogens against 21…
This is the third edition of Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare and aims to highlight the current state of science on individual agents and toxins and general response capabilities to prevent knowledge gaps and serve as a reference source for the…
This report is an historical analysis of US biodefense and bioweapons posture in order to understand the disparity between chemical weapons preparedness and biological weapons preparedness.
The purpose of this handbook is to serve as a concise, pocket-sized manual that can be used in a crisis to guide medical personnel in the prophylaxis and management of biological casualties.
This is the fourth report in the series that seeks to assess the level of preparedness in the states, evaluate the federal government�s role and performance, and offer recommendations for improving emergency preparedness in case of a biological…
The report assesses the health aspects of the threat of biological and chemical weapons, including specific agents, focusing on civilian impacts. It then makes recommendations for preparedness and prevention of attacks.