This Ad Hoc Group of Governmental Experts seeks to identify potential verification measures which could determine if a state is stockpiling, producing, or retaining biological agents or chemical toxins.
This hearing before the Subcommittee on Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness aims to assess current biological threats in order to decide the necessary countermeasures to be developed.
This document details the general concerns regarding CBR (chemical, biological, radiological) warfare that were important for the United States to consider when preparing themselves against an enemy attack. Many comparisons are drawn between nuclear…
This survey assesses all past uses of chemical or biological warfare and then evaluates what would constitute a good route for the US to take should it decide to use biological warfare.
In this document, the author aims to provide current information about BW without the usual sensationalism and exaggeration that typically surround it at this time period. While he says the occurrence of supervirulence (mutations) or a full-on…
Memo of Japanese origin that discusses the alleged use of biological and chemical weapons by the Germans and Chinese to make the point that the risk is present and even increasing in peacetime. It then discusses the different threats posed by…
This publication by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service evaluates the threat of chemical and biological terrorism in the wake of the sarin gas attacks in the Tokyo subways.
This hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations held two panels to discuss the threat of biological weapons use and emerging infectious diseases, calling on experts in both fields. The first panel was centered on a smallpox simulation known as…
This report is an historical analysis of US biodefense and bioweapons posture in order to understand the disparity between chemical weapons preparedness and biological weapons preparedness.
Uses intelligence information to assess the capability of the Soviet BW program and to provide realistic approximation of risk of attack with specific agents.
This paper developed and applied decision support framework (DSF) approaches to assess toxins for inclusion on the select agents list and developed attack scenarios to determine the amount of toxin required to impact public health in order to…
This testimony discusses the ease of acquisition of biological materials and the present biological threat from state and nonstate actors, as well as the necessary response from the intelligence community.