Browse Items (96 total)

1951 Suggested Outline for Investigations of Rinderpest.pdf
Outlines offensive and defensive experiments that would be desirable to undertake on rinderpest. Canadian document produced after discussed with Colonel Creasy of US.

1950 Canadian Appreciation on Biological Warfare.pdf
Memorandum includes a review of Canadian views on feasibility and utility of BW, presented to the Chiefs of Staff Committee.

1949 Report on Criteria Necessary to Establish the Effectiveness of Anti-Personnel BW Agents.pdf
This report is a reply to the Chemical Corps, which asked for recommendations on what evidence is needed to prove a BW agent can be disseminated in concentrations effectively against personnel. The War Council rejected a request for the use of human…

1949 Report of the FAS Committee on Biological Warfare.pdf
Designates 3 levels of weapon effectiveness; absolute, primary, and secondary; and seeks to place BW on that effectiveness spectrum.

1947 Report on the Appraisal of the Technical Aspects of Biological Warfare.pdf
The Committee on Biological Warfare developed a report based on reporting from special panels/consultants. Appraised BW capabilities and existing development in terms of military utility.

1947 Present Position of Bacteriological Warfare - A Brief Review.pdf
A review of biological warfare capabilities, promising agents, countermeasures, and military utility by Canadian authorities. Based heavily on collaborations with the UK and US.

1947 Military Biology and Biological Warfare, Vol. I.pdf
This is a detailed overview of the state of biological warfare capabilities in the United States including agents, defensive measures, and tactics.

1947 Experimental Air-Borne Infection.pdf
Details methods and results from a cloud chamber project at Camp Detrick, MD. Authors study the properties of two non-pathogenic bacteria, four pathogenic bacteria, and three pathogenic viruses. Stability to atomization was measured in the cloud…

1947 Biological Warfare Research in the United States, Vol. II.pdf
This report summarizes the research and development in biological warfare undertaken by the Chemical Corps and the circumstances that made this research necessary.

1945 Report to the Secretary of War.pdf
Reports progress by the Special Projects Division of the Chemical Warfare Service (WBO) on developing primarily defensive practices against BW.

1945 Instruction for Defense Against Biological Attack.pdf
This report aims to inform military personnel of the nature of biological warfare and measures to defend against it.

1944 USBWC Report of Meeting, December 28, 1944.pdf
This is a report of a meeting of the US Biological Warfare Committee (USBWC) including some British military representatives.

1944 Probable Biological Agents Which May Be Employed by the Enemy.pdf
This summarizes some of the scientific research on possible biological agents conducted by the War Research Service.

1944 Italian BW Intelligence Questionnaire.pdf
This questionnaire asks about Italian progress with the development of biological weapons.

1944 BW Subcommittee Interim Report_ Implications of Recent Intelligence Regarding Alleged German Secret Weapon.pdf
This interim report by the Biological Warfare Subcommittee discusses German biological warfare capabilities in relation to US capabilities.

1918 L'arme Bacteriologique Future Concurrente Des Armes Chimique Et Balistique.pdf
The Surgeon Inspector of the French Army describes the threat of poisons (mineral, vegetable chemical, and microbial biologic). Specifically references actions/accounts of German activity during WWI that indicates they may have attempted to use BW.…
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