Browse Items (254 total)

1969 Chemical-Biological Warfare_ U.S. Policies and International Effects.pdf
Congressional debate about whether the United States should ratify the 1925 Geneva Convention. General policies on CBW are also re-evaluated.

1969 Defence Against Chemical and Biological Warfare.pdf
This book chapter discusses the consequences of chemical and biological weapons research and the need for disarmament to prevent future attacks.

1969 Report of the Secretary-General on chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons and the effects of their possible use.pdf
This report provides an appraisal of the effects of chemical and biological weapons to inform governments of the potential consequences of their use.

1969 The Use of Chemical and Biological Warfare.pdf
This survey assesses all past uses of chemical or biological warfare and then evaluates what would constitute a good route for the US to take should it decide to use biological warfare.

1969 US Policy on Chemical and Biological Warfare and Agents.pdf
Report to the National Security Council by the Interdepartmental Political-Military Group (IPMG) in response to National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 59. Examines current US and international policies on CBW and deliberates future policies with a…

1970 Health Aspects of Chemical and Biological Weapons.pdf
Report generated by the Director-General of the WHO in cooperation with the UN, aims to be more technical than was the UN report.

1970 Requirements for Defense Against Biological Warfare.pdf
The BW-CW Panel of the President's Science Advisory Committee seeks to review the problems of the US preparedness against biological weapons attacks to our armed forces or civilian population and to outline the requirements for sufficient defensive…

1970 Toxins.pdf
This report by the PSAC Panel on C&B Warfare evaluates toxins as weapons.

1975 Mass Destruction Terrorism Study.pdf
Provides a review of the issues of governmental response in the event of terrorist use of agents of mass destruction.

1983 Excerpts from the USA Army Documents to Support de Jong_s Claims.pdf
A collection of documents obtained from Peter Von Stackelberg, via Simon de Jong of the House of Commons of Ottawa, Canada. Includes a variety of press releases and articles for print, but also excerpts from US Army BW program documents.

1984 Case Study 4 Research and Development in CBW.pdf
Author seeks to distinguish between (1) basic vs. applied research, (2) civilian vs. military research, (3) offensive vs. defensive research as it pertains to CBW.

1991 Biological Weapons and Modern Warfare.pdf
Executive research project for the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University. Reviews the use and development of biological agents with respect to the historical and current US BW program, advantages and disadvantages of BW,…

1993 Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Assessing the Risks.pdf
Office of Technology Assessment created a report describing what CBRN can do, analyzing consequences of spread to the US, summarizing technical aspects of monitoring/controlling production

1993 Technologies Underlying Weapons of Mass Destruction.pdf
Companion to OTA Proliferation report, discusses technical components of CBW acquisition and use, including dual use

1993 Types and Quantities of Microbial and Other Agents and Toxins.pdf
This Ad Hoc Group of Governmental Experts seeks to identify potential verification measures which could determine if a state is stockpiling, producing, or retaining biological agents or chemical toxins.

1995 Discussion Paper Submitted by Portugal.pdf
This paper aims to discuss concepts of epidemiological significance for the reevaluation of the proposed Lists of Weaponizable Agents.

1995 Japan Working Paper.pdf
The purpose of the paper is to promote discussion about a list of dangerous/weaponizable biological agents based on data from open scientific papers.

1995 The Threat Of Chemical Biological Terrorism.pdf
This publication by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service evaluates the threat of chemical and biological terrorism in the wake of the sarin gas attacks in the Tokyo subways.

1995 Working Paper Submitted by Brazil.pdf
This paper from Brazil presents a list of agents that may be used as pathogens and weaponized against humans, animals, or plants.

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