This article describes BioRAM, a tool to assist biorisk officers in the in the identification, the understanding, and the communication of biorisks present in a laboratory and how to mitigate those risks.
The Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee met to gain a deeper understanding of the nature and severity of biological threats to our security as well as the preparedness to respond to these threats.
This is the third edition of Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare and aims to highlight the current state of science on individual agents and toxins and general response capabilities to prevent knowledge gaps and serve as a reference source for the…
In its Biennial Review, the FESAP considers the removal of Coxiella burnetti, Rickettsi prowasekii, Brucella abortus, Brucella suis, Brucella melitensis, and Bacillus anthracis Pasteur strain from the Select Agents list.
This hearing before the Subcommittee on Intelligence, Emerging Threats, and Capabilities discussed the threat of biological weapons attacks from state and nonstate actors.
This report examines the status of public health preparedness in the United States following the erosion caused by the financial crisis and ensuing budget cuts.
This report examines the progress since 2009 in terms of preparedness for public health emergencies and discusses the consequences of recent budget cuts at all levels of government.
This report examines the progress that the government has made in its ability to respond to public health emergencies since 2003 and evaluates the United States response to H1N1 .
This report examines the progress that the government has made in its ability to respond to public health emergencies since 2003, with consideration to the fact it is a political transition year.
This is the fifth report in the series that seeks to assess the level of preparedness in the states, evaluate the federal government�s role and performance, and offer recommendations for improving emergency preparedness in case of a biological event.
The report assesses the health aspects of the threat of biological and chemical weapons, including specific agents, focusing on civilian impacts. It then makes recommendations for preparedness and prevention of attacks.
From the USAF Counterproliferation Papers. The author provides accounts of genetic engineering experiments performed in Soviet Russia's BW program and then discusses the future potentialities of biological weapons offensively and defensively.