Browse Items (60 total)

1998 Bioterrorism as a Public Health Threat.pdf
This report assesses the threat of bioterrorism to the United States with a particular focus on smallpox and anthrax.

1993 Types and Quantities of Microbial and Other Agents and Toxins.pdf
This Ad Hoc Group of Governmental Experts seeks to identify potential verification measures which could determine if a state is stockpiling, producing, or retaining biological agents or chemical toxins.

1993 Technologies Underlying Weapons of Mass Destruction.pdf
Companion to OTA Proliferation report, discusses technical components of CBW acquisition and use, including dual use

1991 Biological Weapons and Modern Warfare.pdf
Executive research project for the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University. Reviews the use and development of biological agents with respect to the historical and current US BW program, advantages and disadvantages of BW,…

1970 Toxins.pdf
This report by the PSAC Panel on C&B Warfare evaluates toxins as weapons.

1970 Requirements for Defense Against Biological Warfare.pdf
The BW-CW Panel of the President's Science Advisory Committee seeks to review the problems of the US preparedness against biological weapons attacks to our armed forces or civilian population and to outline the requirements for sufficient defensive…

1969 The Use of Chemical and Biological Warfare.pdf
This survey assesses all past uses of chemical or biological warfare and then evaluates what would constitute a good route for the US to take should it decide to use biological warfare.

1969 Report of the Secretary-General on chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons and the effects of their possible use.pdf
This report provides an appraisal of the effects of chemical and biological weapons to inform governments of the potential consequences of their use.

1961 Problems of Antibacteriological Defense According to Data From Foreign Literature.pdf
This book written by a Soviet author provides a generalization of the information that has been published worldwide about the problem of the bacteriological weapon and the existing defense measures against it, in order to inform medical workers and…

1960 Second Meeting of the Biological and Chemical Defense Planning Board.pdf
This is a meeting of the Biological and Chemical Defense Planning Board where they discussed the facilities of the US Army Chemical Corps and the future of its programs

1951 The Probability of Soviet Employment of BW and CW in the Event of Attacks Upon the US.pdf
Uses intelligence information to assess the capability of the Soviet BW program and to provide realistic approximation of risk of attack with specific agents.

1949 Report on Criteria Necessary to Establish the Effectiveness of Anti-Personnel BW Agents.pdf
This report is a reply to the Chemical Corps, which asked for recommendations on what evidence is needed to prove a BW agent can be disseminated in concentrations effectively against personnel. The War Council rejected a request for the use of human…

1949 Biological Warfare.pdf
Discusses previous idea of plague as an agent that would work well if used in Canada. Describes rationale for the consideration of Yersinia pestis for Canadian weapon development.

1947 Report on the Appraisal of the Technical Aspects of Biological Warfare.pdf
The Committee on Biological Warfare developed a report based on reporting from special panels/consultants. Appraised BW capabilities and existing development in terms of military utility.

1947 Military Biology and Biological Warfare, Vol. I.pdf
This is a detailed overview of the state of biological warfare capabilities in the United States including agents, defensive measures, and tactics.

1947 Excerpts from 1947 Report on Biological Warfare.pdf
This report takes a look at Type F cluster bombs, one of which contains anthrax, and evaluates how these weapons can be improved to reduce the tons of weapons used and still maximize the effects (risk of death).

1945 About Bacteriological Warfare.pdf
This is series of documents that was obtained through intelligence efforts from the Germans. A German professor (Kliewe) had translated, with commentary, a number of Japanese documents about their biological warfare operations.

1935 Le Possibilita di un_Offesa Batteriologica in Guerra.pdf
The author gives their opinion on the potential of biological warfare on a country with the public health capabilities of their own, Italy.

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