Browse Items (108 total)

1970 Health Aspects of Chemical and Biological Weapons.pdf
Report generated by the Director-General of the WHO in cooperation with the UN, aims to be more technical than was the UN report.

1969 US Policy on Chemical and Biological Warfare and Agents.pdf
Report to the National Security Council by the Interdepartmental Political-Military Group (IPMG) in response to National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 59. Examines current US and international policies on CBW and deliberates future policies with a…

1969 Report of the Secretary-General on chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons and the effects of their possible use.pdf
This report provides an appraisal of the effects of chemical and biological weapons to inform governments of the potential consequences of their use.

1969 Biological Agents.pdf
Discusses the main advantages, challenges, and technical approaches of BW development.

1962 Memo for JCS_ Chemical_Biological Testing.pdf
This memo approves certain unspecified chemical and biological tests and summarizes current knowledge on the diseases of concern: tularemia, Q-fever, and Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis

1961 Problems of Antibacteriological Defense According to Data From Foreign Literature.pdf
This book written by a Soviet author provides a generalization of the information that has been published worldwide about the problem of the bacteriological weapon and the existing defense measures against it, in order to inform medical workers and…

1961 Plans for the Development of Biological and Chemical Weapons and Defense Capabilities.pdf
This aims to provide short and intermediate term DOD plans for use by the DOD of the present B-C weapons and defense capabilities. It also aims to create a research and development plan for execution by the Army.

1960 Second Meeting of the Biological and Chemical Defense Planning Board.pdf
This is a meeting of the Biological and Chemical Defense Planning Board where they discussed the facilities of the US Army Chemical Corps and the future of its programs

1960 First Meeting of the Biological and Chemical Defense Planning Board.pdf
This first meeting of the B&C Defense Planning Board had the objective of providing analysis of present capabilities, encouragement and planning for research, and improvement in the coupling of DoD and civilian activities.

1960 Chemical, Biological, Radiological (CBR) Warfare and its Disarmament Aspects.pdf
Provides a post-World War analysis of CBR, including the United States' policies leading up to World War II and its current stances. The document also defines CBR and provides a general run-down of current agents that are threats to the U.S. and the…

1959 Statement of Pugwash International Conference of Scientists On Biological and Chemical Warfare.pdf
Twenty-six scientists from eight nations met to discuss BW, CW, and means for preventing their production or use in war. The statement outlines these issues and considerations for the international community.

1959 Hearing Before Committee on Science and Astronautics.pdf
Statements given by Army officials regarding status of CEBAR. Less information on biological warfare, more focus on chemical.

1953 Memo of meeting on Report on Biological and Toxicological Warfare, Research, Development, and Production Programs.pdf
Purpose was to discuss recommendations provided in the report. Input largely given by Army and USAF generals, and prioritization was given to 4 named agents.

1952 Remarks on BW-CW to the 7th Tripartite Conference.pdf
Air Force discusses acceleration of their participation in development of BW and CW.

1952 Civil Defense Aspects of Biological, Chemical, and Radiological Warfare Against Crops, Animals, and Man - Part IV.pdf
Project East River was initiated to "evaluate and recommend the optimum combination of non-military measures" to assist the National Security Resources Board and the Federal Civil Defense Administration with discharging their CEBAR responsibilities.…

1951 The Probability of Soviet Employment of BW and CW in the Event of Attacks Upon the US.pdf
Uses intelligence information to assess the capability of the Soviet BW program and to provide realistic approximation of risk of attack with specific agents.

1951 Suggested Outline for Investigations of Rinderpest.pdf
Outlines offensive and defensive experiments that would be desirable to undertake on rinderpest. Canadian document produced after discussed with Colonel Creasy of US.

1949 Research and Development in BW and CW in Relation to the Defense of the Continental United States.pdf
The Committee of BW highlights some of the most pressing BW agents that could be used against the United States, either covertly or in sabotage. The Committee also emphasizes some of the areas that the U.S. needs to improve its research and…

1949 Report on Criteria Necessary to Establish the Effectiveness of Anti-Personnel BW Agents.pdf
This report is a reply to the Chemical Corps, which asked for recommendations on what evidence is needed to prove a BW agent can be disseminated in concentrations effectively against personnel. The War Council rejected a request for the use of human…
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