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Aimed to develop a tool to assess the risk that individual emerging technologies might be misused for hostile purposes and to develop tailored governance strategies.

1945 Instruction for Defense Against Biological Attack.pdf
This report aims to inform military personnel of the nature of biological warfare and measures to defend against it.

The National Research Council evaluated the utility and soundness of the risk assessment process of DHS. In doing so, the evaluation provided information on how the process works, and the factors considered.

1944 Investigation of Enemy BW Activities and Intentions.pdf
This memo summarizes the possible effects of biological weapons use and highlights signs of enemy use and particular agents of concern.

Surveys Iraq's capabilities in BW during and after the Gulf War, aiming to identify whether continued risk exists for BW development.

1944 Italian BW Intelligence Questionnaire.pdf
This questionnaire asks about Italian progress with the development of biological weapons.

1995 Japan Working Paper.pdf
The purpose of the paper is to promote discussion about a list of dangerous/weaponizable biological agents based on data from open scientific papers.

1918 L'arme Bacteriologique Future Concurrente Des Armes Chimique Et Balistique.pdf
The Surgeon Inspector of the French Army describes the threat of poisons (mineral, vegetable chemical, and microbial biologic). Specifically references actions/accounts of German activity during WWI that indicates they may have attempted to use BW.…

1935 Le Possibilita di un_Offesa Batteriologica in Guerra.pdf
The author gives their opinion on the potential of biological warfare on a country with the public health capabilities of their own, Italy.

This report summarizes a workshop of the Forum on Emerging Infections that discussed the global response to SARS and the holes that it exposed in epidemic preparedness worldwide.

1961 Letter Housewright to Brown.pdf
Follow up with the program director of Defense Research and Engineering about topics discussed in a meeting

1940 Letter to the Surgeon General.pdf
A group of academic scientists, federal scientists, and federal officials met to "... discuss the possibilities of bacteriological warfare, defense against it, and irresponsible sabotage of this nature."

1975 Mass Destruction Terrorism Study.pdf
Provides a review of the issues of governmental response in the event of terrorist use of agents of mass destruction.

2018 Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare.pdf
This is the third edition of Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare and aims to highlight the current state of science on individual agents and toxins and general response capabilities to prevent knowledge gaps and serve as a reference source for the…

2011 Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook.pdf
The purpose of this handbook is to serve as a concise, pocket-sized manual that can be used in a crisis to guide medical personnel in the prophylaxis and management of biological casualties.

1961 Memo for Advisory Panel on Biological and Chemical Defense.pdf
Considers the practical aspects of a disarmament agreement in terms of detecting BW production facilities

1961 Memo for Director, Viral Genetics.pdf
Addresses the question of whether Fort Detrick should look into artificially recombining viruses for the purpose of creating biological weapons

1962 Memo for JCS_ Chemical_Biological Testing.pdf
This memo approves certain unspecified chemical and biological tests and summarizes current knowledge on the diseases of concern: tularemia, Q-fever, and Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis

1944 Memo from WRS to Lucas.pdf
The writer discusses factors that make biological agents dangerous and lists agents of concern.

1944 Memo Including British Intelligence.pdf
This is a collection of British intelligence about biological warfare and discusses possible offensive use.
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