Browse Items (77 total)

2002 Foot and Mouth Disease_ To Protect U.S. Livestock, USDA Must Remain Vigilant and Resolve Outstanding Issues.pdf
This report discusses the dangers to livestock of foot and mouth disease and whether or not we can prevent it in the US following an outbreak in the UK.

2001 The Threat of Bioterrorism and the Spread of Infectious Diseases.pdf
This hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations held two panels to discuss the threat of biological weapons use and emerging infectious diseases, calling on experts in both fields. The first panel was centered on a smallpox simulation known as…

2001 Bioterrorism, 2001.pdf
In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations discusses US preparedness for a bioterrorism event in a series of hearings over a few weeks.

This report aims to make recommendations to medical and public health professionals for measures to be taken following the use of smallpox as a biological weapon against a civilian population.

1999 Bioterrorism Our Frontline Response, Evaluating US Public Health and Medical Readiness.pdf
This hearing before the Subcommittee on Public Health examines topics related to US bioterrorism preparedness, such as the national pharmaceutical stockpile, deterrence, outbreak containment, and research and development.

1999 Bioterrorism Domestic Weapons of Mass Destruction.pdf
This hearing discusses current preparedness against bioterrorism on domestic soil and what ought to be done to improve it.

1995 The Threat Of Chemical Biological Terrorism.pdf
This publication by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service evaluates the threat of chemical and biological terrorism in the wake of the sarin gas attacks in the Tokyo subways.

1993 Technologies Underlying Weapons of Mass Destruction.pdf
Companion to OTA Proliferation report, discusses technical components of CBW acquisition and use, including dual use

1975 Mass Destruction Terrorism Study.pdf
Provides a review of the issues of governmental response in the event of terrorist use of agents of mass destruction.

1970 Health Aspects of Chemical and Biological Weapons.pdf
Report generated by the Director-General of the WHO in cooperation with the UN, aims to be more technical than was the UN report.

1969 US Policy on Chemical and Biological Warfare and Agents.pdf
Report to the National Security Council by the Interdepartmental Political-Military Group (IPMG) in response to National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 59. Examines current US and international policies on CBW and deliberates future policies with a…

1969 Report of the Secretary-General on chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons and the effects of their possible use.pdf
This report provides an appraisal of the effects of chemical and biological weapons to inform governments of the potential consequences of their use.

1969 Defence Against Chemical and Biological Warfare.pdf
This book chapter discusses the consequences of chemical and biological weapons research and the need for disarmament to prevent future attacks.

1961 Project 112 - Evaluation of B-C Weapons.pdf
A series of memos that catalog results from a Working Group led by the Director of Defense Research and Engineering. Goals were to evaluate the biological and chemical weapons state of the art. Army, Navy, and Air Force participated and were tasked…

1961 Problems of Antibacteriological Defense According to Data From Foreign Literature.pdf
This book written by a Soviet author provides a generalization of the information that has been published worldwide about the problem of the bacteriological weapon and the existing defense measures against it, in order to inform medical workers and…

1961 Plans for the Development of Biological and Chemical Weapons and Defense Capabilities.pdf
This aims to provide short and intermediate term DOD plans for use by the DOD of the present B-C weapons and defense capabilities. It also aims to create a research and development plan for execution by the Army.

1959 Research in CBR.pdf
The document details the position of the United States on the use of CBR weapons at the time, noting the growing concern of CBR use by foreign adversaries such as the Soviet Union and other Communist nations. It emphasizes areas of weakness upon…

1958 Toxicological Warfare.pdf
This document details the general concerns regarding CBR (chemical, biological, radiological) warfare that were important for the United States to consider when preparing themselves against an enemy attack. Many comparisons are drawn between nuclear…

1952 Civil Defense Aspects of Biological, Chemical, and Radiological Warfare Against Crops, Animals, and Man - Part IV.pdf
Project East River was initiated to "evaluate and recommend the optimum combination of non-military measures" to assist the National Security Resources Board and the Federal Civil Defense Administration with discharging their CEBAR responsibilities.…
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