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2019 Countering Biological Warfare (BW).pdf
Outlines the objectives of the Joint Force in response to any BW attack, especially those where physical and physiological protections cannot prevent infection. Provides details about roles and responsibilities within the Joint Force in the event of…

This report summarizes the shortcomings of US preparedness for a bioterrorist attack and makes recommendations.

This report explores defensive strategies that could be used to protect air transportation spaces (specifically, airport terminals and aircraft) against attack with chemical or biological agents and makes recommendations to TSA.

Volume I discusses genetic modification technologies and their risk for dual use. Chapters 10, 11, and 12 are covered.

Volume II provides high-level overviews of the biological agents that are most commonly associated with biodefense activities. Additional chapters present the status quo of antibacterial and antiviral therapy and diagnostic development.

1969 Defence Against Chemical and Biological Warfare.pdf
This book chapter discusses the consequences of chemical and biological weapons research and the need for disarmament to prevent future attacks.

1944 Defense Against Sabotage Methods of BW.pdf
This memo to the Commander in chief and Commanding Generals describes likely avenues of attack by sabotage methods of BW and how to protect against them.

The National Research Council evaluated the utility and soundness of the risk assessment process of DHS. In doing so, the evaluation provided information on how the process works, and the factors considered.

The authors aim to create a multifactorial risk-priority scoring system for Category A BW agents using 10 criteria that include factors relating to disease potentiality, probability of attack, and prevention/intervention methods.

Considered impact of disease outbreaks with a focus on wildlife populations (as well as human and livestock). Implemented metrics for estimating the likelihood and consequences of spread of the pathogens.

2011 DHS and HHS Can Further Strengthen Coordination for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Risk.pdf
Evaluates the development of CBRN risk assessments and associated modeling reports at DHS and HHS.

1995 Discussion Paper Submitted by Portugal.pdf
This paper aims to discuss concepts of epidemiological significance for the reevaluation of the proposed Lists of Weaponizable Agents.

1934 E_ Possibile Una Guerra Batteriologica.pdf
Assesses the possibility of biological warfare and the means by which it could be waged.

2024 Emerging Technology and Risk Analysis Synthetic Pandemics.pdf
Assessed whether engineering pathogens capable of "sustained, human-to-human transmission and causing mortality and morbidity" is possible/probable. Also considers how such pathogens would compare to naturally emergent pathogens in these regards, the…

2005 Engineering Bio-Terror Agents_ Lessons from the Offensive US and Russian Biological Weapons Programs.pdf
This is a hearing before the Subcommittee on Prevention of Nuclear and Biological Attack to address the biological threat and to assess the role of the DHS in preventing bioterrorism in the US.

1961 Evaluation of Special Operations at Fort Detrick.pdf
Ad Hoc Group was organized to evaluate and prep recommendations on the covert program and activities of the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick

1947 Excerpts from 1947 Report on Biological Warfare.pdf
This report takes a look at Type F cluster bombs, one of which contains anthrax, and evaluates how these weapons can be improved to reduce the tons of weapons used and still maximize the effects (risk of death).

1983 Excerpts from the USA Army Documents to Support de Jong_s Claims.pdf
A collection of documents obtained from Peter Von Stackelberg, via Simon de Jong of the House of Commons of Ottawa, Canada. Includes a variety of press releases and articles for print, but also excerpts from US Army BW program documents.

1947 Experimental Air-Borne Infection.pdf
Details methods and results from a cloud chamber project at Camp Detrick, MD. Authors study the properties of two non-pathogenic bacteria, four pathogenic bacteria, and three pathogenic viruses. Stability to atomization was measured in the cloud…
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