This aims to provide short and intermediate term DOD plans for use by the DOD of the present B-C weapons and defense capabilities. It also aims to create a research and development plan for execution by the Army.
This is a meeting of the Biological and Chemical Defense Planning Board where they discussed the facilities of the US Army Chemical Corps and the future of its programs
Twenty-six scientists from eight nations met to discuss BW, CW, and means for preventing their production or use in war. The statement outlines these issues and considerations for the international community.
This document details the general concerns regarding CBR (chemical, biological, radiological) warfare that were important for the United States to consider when preparing themselves against an enemy attack. Many comparisons are drawn between nuclear…
Relevant info largely pertains to statements made by Gen. Creasy on the status of CEBAR. Much of useful info is off the record, but two of Creasy's prior speeches are included.
Provides details regarding the use of stem and leaf rusts as BW agents in the United States and the U.S.S.R. The report takes a deep dive into the conditions that are optimal for these rusts to be the most effective when disseminated on a given plot…
In this document, the author aims to provide current information about BW without the usual sensationalism and exaggeration that typically surround it at this time period. While he says the occurrence of supervirulence (mutations) or a full-on…
Purpose was to discuss recommendations provided in the report. Input largely given by Army and USAF generals, and prioritization was given to 4 named agents.
Project East River was initiated to "evaluate and recommend the optimum combination of non-military measures" to assist the National Security Resources Board and the Federal Civil Defense Administration with discharging their CEBAR responsibilities.…
This document emphasizes the risks of BW and requests that civilian defense programs be strengthened in order to better prepare for a BW attack. The Committee argues that current information regarding BW is very general, and provides an extensive…
Report to Secretary of Defense from the Committee on Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Warfare. Discusses the state of CEBAR in the United States and provides recommendations on policy.
This memo notes that a sample poison powder has been contaminating water supplies near soldier bivouac areas. The poison is sent to Camp Detrick, a U.S. BW Installation, and a medical laboratory in Tokyo for further identification and analysis.
This report is a reply to the Chemical Corps, which asked for recommendations on what evidence is needed to prove a BW agent can be disseminated in concentrations effectively against personnel. The War Council rejected a request for the use of human…