Browse Items (135 total)

1949 Report of the Secretary of Defenses Ad Hoc Committee on Biological Warfare.pdf
Secretary of Defense James Forrestal convened this committee to explore the "unconventional" technique of biological warfare, including technical and strategic possibilities. Emphasis was to be placed upon strategic, economic, and psychological…

1949 Program for Protection of Livestock and Poultry.pdf
The working group appointed by the NME-USDA Conference on Livestock Protection drafted a program intended to protect livestock and poultry. They take a look at some of the most critical animal diseases at the time and offer suggestions to better…

1949 Appendix B and F to unknown document.pdf
Consists of 2 memos and an abstract of a presentation given to the Ad Hoc CBW. Memos cover economic impacts of BW (unrelated) and abstract discusses potential psychological effects of certain agents.

1948 Report on Status of Information Pertaining to Rinderpest.pdf
This is a report to the Committee on Biological Warfare of the conclusions of the FAO Nairobi Conference on Rinderpest, particularly considering its eradication through vaccines.

1948 Report on Special BW Operations.pdf
The Committee's goal was to evaluate if biological agents could be used in sabotage, and if the U.S. was vulnerable to such attacks.

1947 Report on the Appraisal of the Technical Aspects of Biological Warfare.pdf
The Committee on Biological Warfare developed a report based on reporting from special panels/consultants. Appraised BW capabilities and existing development in terms of military utility.

1947 Present Position of Bacteriological Warfare - A Brief Review.pdf
A review of biological warfare capabilities, promising agents, countermeasures, and military utility by Canadian authorities. Based heavily on collaborations with the UK and US.

1947 Military Biology and Biological Warfare, Vol. I.pdf
This is a detailed overview of the state of biological warfare capabilities in the United States including agents, defensive measures, and tactics.

1947 Excerpts from 1947 Report on Biological Warfare.pdf
This report takes a look at Type F cluster bombs, one of which contains anthrax, and evaluates how these weapons can be improved to reduce the tons of weapons used and still maximize the effects (risk of death).

1947 Biological Warfare Research in the United States, Vol. II.pdf
This report summarizes the research and development in biological warfare undertaken by the Chemical Corps and the circumstances that made this research necessary.

1946 Biological Warfare_ Activities and Capabilities of Foreign.pdf
This report gives an overview of the capabilities of foreign powers in the field of biological warfare and assesses the threat as a whole.

1946 Appreciation of Biological Warfare.pdf
This report aims to determine the War Department policy for the use of Biological Warfare.

1945 USBWC Report of Meeting, January 4, 1945.pdf
This meeting was to give the British visitors a chance to review the question of BW and ask questions after their inspection of Camp Detrick.

1945 USBWC Report of Meeting, January 2, 1945.pdf
This describes a meeting between the US Biological Warfare Committee (USBWC) and British and Canadian "visitors" at Camp Detrick .

1945 Instruction for Defense Against Biological Attack.pdf
This report aims to inform military personnel of the nature of biological warfare and measures to defend against it.

1945 Condensed Minutes of Ninth Service Command BW Meeting.pdf
This conference was held to discuss biological activities in their relation to security. The main topic is Japan's potential use of balloons to spread biological material.

1945 About Bacteriological Warfare.pdf
This is series of documents that was obtained through intelligence efforts from the Germans. A German professor (Kliewe) had translated, with commentary, a number of Japanese documents about their biological warfare operations.

1944 War Department Memo_ Biological Warfare.pdf
This memo from the Secretary of War to the Commander in Chief and the Commanding Generals expresses concern about the enemy resorting to biological warfare out of desperation, and gives guidelines for how to recognize impending or recent use.

1944 USBWC Report of Meeting, December 28, 1944.pdf
This is a report of a meeting of the US Biological Warfare Committee (USBWC) including some British military representatives.

1944 Special Projects Intelligence Report No. 1.pdf
This is a summary of the significant reports received during the period regarding enemy capabilities and intentions.
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